headdress, feather bonnet

headdress, feather bonnet

headdress, feather bonnet

top image

A feather bonnet decorated with painted designs and metal cones. Seem to be collected at Kahnawake (Caughnawaga).

Nation of Maker: Mohawk
Place of Origin: Kahnawake

pig? leather, paint (black, blue, red), goose? and turkey feathers, metal cones, rawhide, cotton thread, black cotton cloth

Techniques or Format

Made of a painted leather stripe lined with cotton cloth and attached leather trail. Turkey feathers are put in between the leather head stripe and cloth lining. A small rattle-like object of rawhide is attached to the bottom of the trailer with additional tinkling metal cones. Sewing done with cotton thread.

Condition: in good condition
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: IV-B-8384
GKS Reference Number: 520
Record Creation Context

Created by Nikolaus Stolle during a research visit to the museum commissioned by Ruth Phillips and supported by her research funds.

Approximate Place of Origin

45.38, -73.68