Harness or open vest

Harness or open vest

Harness or open vest

top image

Harness or open vest constructed of silk ribbon and trimmed with glass beads. Center has criss-cross straps and heart-shaped applique. Part of Lewis Henry Morgan collection originally bequeathed to the University of Rochester.


Beige cotton cloth and silk ribbon in beige, blue, and faded black. Red stroud. Glass beads (two sizes: 14, 12, 8?), long fastening glass beads. Hide thongs. Thread. Metal pins probably from earlier display.

Techniques or Format

Five strips sewn together to make a square. Diamond shaped pieces sewn to corners. In the middle of the structure two strips form a criss cross and a heart shape at the point of intersection. Each strip has a silk ribbon applique with bead work outlining the edges of the applique. Back strip is red stroud on one side and white cotton on the other, no beaded applique.

Motifs and Patterns


Dimensions: 37 × 0 × 0 cm
Condition: fair; silk is deteriorating
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 70.89.70
Collection at Current Location: Lewis Henry Morgan Collection
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1970
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: University of Rochester
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 1840s
Previous Collectors: Lewis Henry Morgan
Collection Narratives and Histories

Collected by Lewis Henry Morgan during the 1840s and bequeathed to the University of Rochester after Morgan's death in 1881. The University transferred the collection to the Rochester Museum beginning in 1970.

GKS Reference Number: 45187
Record Creation Context

Visit to Rochester Museum and Science Center (Rochester, NY) of Wahsontiio Cross, Kate Higginson, Alexandra Nahwegahbow, Melissa Otis, Ruth Phillips and Paula Whitlow, assisted by Jamie Jacobs and Kathryn Murano on 2-3 May 2016.

Approximate Place of Origin

45.6426, -85.036