garter pendant or sash

garter pendant or sash

garter pendant or sash

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Finger-woven garter or sash, made eighteenth or nineteenth century.

Date Made or Date Range: 18 C to Early 19 C

Made of brown wool yarn, white size 8 beads, metal cones, probably tin, red animal hair, possibly deer or moose, porcupine quills in white, red and black, and linen thread, silk tape

Techniques or Format

Finger woven with interwoven beads, cones with remnants of red dyed animal hair on each end, 4 on one and 5 on the other of the original 7 on each end

Other Notes

On-site researchers: might have been used either as a thigh garter or a drop pendant attached to a thigh garter or to a belt

Condition: Fragile, heading off to conservation imminently, beads coming loose, tinkle cones are quite corroded.
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

18th or early 19th century

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: A.1956.665
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1956
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: Item is from the National Museum of Antiquities Scotland. For more information, one must look at their yearbooks.
GKS Reference Number: 27199
How to Cite this Item

Unknown artist, garter pendant or sash. Currently at National Museums Scotland, A.1956.665. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007 in which the author took part; GRASAC item id 27199.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

9 Apr 2007 Ruth Phillips, On-site researchers: Cory Willmott, Heidi Bohaker, Laura Peers, Ruth Phillips, Keith Jamieson, Alan Corbiere, Henrietta Lidchi, Robert Storrie, Chantal Knowles, Brenda McGoff

Approximate Place of Origin
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