
Ojibwe wooden drum beater with top shaped like a horse head. Cut-out shapes on handle of diamond, crescent and inverted apostrophe. Similar, but not identical to P0383A. Part of the Pearsall Collection, acquired in 1963.
FLMNH records, tag on stick B said "Chippiwa Indians, Michigan relic 3.09" other side "Rare. Ancient drum stick" N. Feder also identified this as "Chippiwa"
FLMNH records
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wood, paint
wooden drum beater shaped like stylized horse head at top with muzzle as beating surface; cut-out designs in diamond, crescent and inverted apostrophe on handle;
or earlier, FLMNH records, N. Feder
Items purchased on the art market by Col. Leigh M. Pearsall between 1900 and 1960. Purchased from Pearsall by the University of Florida Endowment Corp., the collection contains several thousand archeological and ethnographic specimens chiefly from North America, and comprises a large portion of the FLMNH's ethnographic collection.
Hoffman, BAE Grand Medicine Lodge.
About This GRASAC Record
Made from the records of the FLMNH