
This drum with handle is made of hide that has been stretched and sewn with sinew around a wooden frame. Parallel lines that divide the drum face in half, possibly depicting a horizon line, have been painted on both sides of the drum at different orientations. On one side, possible painted tipis are depicted on the "horizon." On the other side, possible painted domes are depicted on the "horizon." Purchased from the Indian Arts and Crafts Board.
Possibly Anishinaabe(?)
GRASAC generated
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wood; hide; sinew; paint
Thin piece of wood is curved into a circular frame and secured. One piece of hide is stretched around the frame, its ends are brought together and secured along the sides of the wood with the lacing of sinew through holes that have been made in the hide. A handle has been made with excess hide from the drum face, pulled and wrapped with sinew. Paint is applied to both faces of the drum.
One side: oriented with handle - two parallel lines of green and yellow divide the drum face in half creating a "horizon line"; one half is left unpainted, other half is painted red. On the "horizon line" are two blue possibly tipis on either end. Other side: does not seem to be oriented to handle nor does the "horizon line" appear to mirror the design on the other side of drum. Drum face is divided in half with parallel lines of red and blue; one half is left unpainted, other half is painted green. Two red dome shapes with curved black lines coming out from the top are depicted on the "horizon line" at either end.
Domes as possible dwelling or sweat lodge(?)
Purchased from the Indian Arts and Crafts Board
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Denver Art Museum of Alex Nahwegahbow and Ruth Phillips, assisted by Eric Berkemeyer and Kristin Strid on 22 Jan 2014