doll, female

doll, female

doll, female

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Beige cloth doll with with painted face and human (or possibly animal) hair. Dressed in a long skirt with a blanket and kerchief on her head, wearing hide moccasins, and is holding a baby wrapped in cloth. The doll has glass bead ring on her right hand and has beadwork on much of her clothing.


Cloth, paint, animal or human hair, broadcloth, silk ribbon, translucent gold beads, white beads, pink and translucent beads, cotton print fabric, woolen fabric, muslin, gold beads, hide, glass beads

Techniques or Format

Beige cloth body with painted face, human (or possibly animal) hair. She wears a long skirt of navy blue woolen broadcloth with silk ribbon edge faded to beige from pink, edged in translucent gold beads. Domed or triangular motifs in white beads with pink and translucent beads. Wears a red/white printed cotton shirt open at the front under a white woolen blanket wrapped around her. She holds a baby wrapped in cloth. Wears an underskirt of beige muslin, leggings of blue broadcloth with pink ribbon and gold bead edging and centre-seamed hide moccasins. Glass bead ring on her right hand and has a light blue "kerchief" over her head.

Dimensions: 32 × 0 × 0 cm
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 930.31.10
Collection at Current Location: Evelyn Johnson/Chiefswood Collection
GKS Reference Number: 27328
How to Cite this Item

Unknown artist, doll, female. Currently in the Royal Ontario Museum, 930.31.10. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip October 2014; GRASAC item id 27328.

Approximate Place of Origin
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