doll, female
doll, female
doll, female

An Anishinaabe cloth doll wearing a woollen strap dress, sleeves and leggings, and moccasins made of unsmoked hide. The cotton tape and beadwork on the dress and sleeves create geometric and linear motifs of squares and diamonds. Likely formed part of a pair with male doll (DAM 1966.415).
Museum documentation and style of dress
GRASAC generated
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muslin; dark blue and red woollen cloth; red and light orange cotton tape; glass beads; unsmoked hide; yellow and red/pink pigment; black cotton
The body of the doll is made of sewn muslin. Her strap dress and sleeves are made of dark blue woollen cloth that has been sewn and bound with red and light orange cotton tape, and ornamented with white glass beads. Leggings are made of red woollen cloth bound with light orange cotton tape and ornamented with white beads. Moccasins made of unsmoked hide. Her face has been painted yellow with red pigment on her cheeks, dark blue beads for her eyes and mouth. Hair is made of black cotton. Necklace is made of two sizes of black glass beads.
Beaded motif on the bottom of the dress forms a chain of squares and diamonds. Outlined squares in cotton tape on the back of the sleeves.
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Denver Art Museum of Alex Nahwegahbow and Ruth Phillips, assisted by Eric Berkemeyer and Kristin Strid on 22 Jan 2014.