doll and cradleboard

doll and cradleboard

doll and cradleboard

top image

Carved wooden Haudenosaunee-style cradleboard (A.N.) with wooden doll and cotton beaded wrapper. Doll does not come out of board.


wood, twine, cotton (red, beige, brown, patterned brown), flannel (either wool or cotton), paper, glass beads, paint, nails, screws

Techniques or Format

Bow is tied to the board with twine strung through holes in board.The twine has been painted dark brown to mimic the appearance of hide thong. The ends of the bow are inserted into holes made in the back crossbar and nailed in place. The doll has a wooden head, painted face, and the body appears to be a cotton sack filled with possibly sand or flour. The head is nailed to the board from the back. The baby has a brown cotton wrapper and a beaded red cotton band (floral designs- flat stitch beadwork with raised centres). Brown fabric appears to be the backing to a darker (black?) velvet. Red fabric (looks like flannel- either cotton or wool) lines the board; fabric is extended to make a shade to cover baby's face. There is also a beige cotton lining behind the doll. The entire board (including bow and foot-board) are painted dark brown. The foot-board and back crossbar are held in place with screws.

Motifs and Patterns

floral, zig-zag/triangles

Other Notes

looks Haudenosaunee based on style of foot-board (A.N.)

Dimensions: 56.5 × 32 × 28 cm
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 61-340
GKS Reference Number: 45161
Record Creation Context

Visit to Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University (Bristol, RI) of Wahsontiio Cross and Alexandra Nahwegahbow, assisted by Robert Preucel and Kevin Smith on 13 August 2015.

Approximate Place of Origin

43.0703, -80.1184