Deputation of Indians from the Mississippi Tribes to the Governor General of British North America, Sir George Prevost

Deputation of Indians from the Mississippi Tribes to the Governor General of British North America, Sir George Prevost

Deputation of Indians from the Mississippi Tribes to the Governor General of British North America, Sir George Prevost

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This is a watercolour painting by Rudolph von Steiger of a deputation from the Mississippi nation to the Governor General of British North America, Sir George Prevost. The painting was done in 1814. It is the companion piece to "Deputation of Indians from the Chippewa Tribes to the President of Upper Canada, Sir Frederic Ph. Robinson, K.C.B., Major General, etc. in 1815," in the collection of the National Gallery of Canada, also in the GKS database. These two paintings are very similar in style to a third painting, by an unknown artist,"Two Ottawa Chiefs Who with Others lately Came Down from Michillimackinac, Lake Huron, to Have a Talk with Their Great Father the King or His Representative," from 1813-1820, in the LAC collection and also in the GKS database.

Nation of Maker: Other
Nation of Origin

Subject of the painting: Nation of origin is Mississippi, included in Algonquian language group.

Artist: possibly Swiss.

Date Made or Date Range: 1814
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Library and Archive Canada record; National Gallery of Canada Record.


Watercolour; gouache; gum arabic; on paper

Motifs and Patterns

This is a painting of a deputation of Indians from the Mississippi Tribes to the Governor General of British North America, Sir George Prevost.

A companion piece, entitled: Deputation of Indians from the Chippawa [sic] Tribes to the President of Upper Canada Sir Frederick Ph. Robinson, K.C.B. Major General in 1815, was acquired by the National Gallery of Canada.

Dimensions: 0 × 36.9 × 30.4 cm
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Library and Archives Canada record

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Mikan no. 2836239
Link to Institution's Collections Database:
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1989
Collection Narratives and Histories

Credit: Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1989-264-1 Acquired with the assistance of a special grant from the Minister of Communications under the terms of the Cultural Property Import & Export Review Act

Exhibition History

Exhibition title: A Place in History. Curators: Art Section, Documentary Art and Photography Division, National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; 1990.10.31-1991.03.31.

GKS Reference Number: 1127
Approximate Place of Origin
Source of Information about Places

Subject of the painting: Great Lakes.Deputation to Governor General of British North America.

Artist: Possibly Swiss.

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