copy of speech sent to the Western Indians by the United States of America, 12 December 1792
copy of speech sent to the Western Indians by the United States of America, 12 December 1792
copy of speech sent to the Western Indians by the United States of America, 12 December 1792

Copy of Speech sent to the Western Indians by the United States of America, delivered by General [illegible] at [illegible but starts with "B"] Creek to the Six Nations and forwarded by Captain Brant. Topics mentioned: Henry Knox, Secretary of War, formal peace, spring negotiations, recall warriors from the frontier, provisions.
In Document: Wyandots; Delawares; Ottawas; Chippewas; Pattimatimas; Shawanese; Miamies
Signed the document.
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Ink on paper
A seal is present.
Henry Knox, Secretary of War. In this speech Knox expresses contentment on the part of the United States at the desire of the Nations present to enter into a formal peace with the United States next Spring. He notes that in the interim, for the Spring negotiations to be successful, the Indian Nations must recall their warriors, who Knox says are committing depredations along the frontier. Knox also states the United States will be sending provisions to feed the Indian Nations during the Spring discussion.
Date given in document.
About This GRASAC Record
Copy of Speech sent to the Western Indians by the United States of America, 12 December 1792. Library and Archives Canada. Claus Papers, Vol. 5 (M.G. 19, F1) reel C1479, pp. 59-62. Item described as part of a GRASAC research project, summer 2010, and consulted. (GKS ID: 58863, accessed [date]).
Created by Research Assistant Aaron Mills during the first summer of the SSHRC Aboriginal Research Grant 2007 to 2010
Record reviewed by Research Assistant Jessica Ye during the winter of 2021