cigar case

cigar case

cigar case

top image

A Huron-Wendat moosehair embroidered birchbark cigar case with scenes of figures smoking, gathering fruit, and hunting.

Nation of Maker: Huron-Wendat
Nation of Origin

Attribution based on style

Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

GRASAC generated


Birchbark, moosehair

Techniques or Format

Sewn birchbark case with birchbark lining and ornamented with moosehair embroidery

Motifs and Patterns

Recto: top scene, two figures smoking pipes; bottom scene, two figures gathering. Verso: top scene figure smoking pipe, trees, flowers and bird; bottom scene, possible forest hunting scene.

Dimensions: 14 × 7 × 0 cm
Current Location: National Museum of Denmark
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: HC.152c
GKS Reference Number: 45203
Record Creation Context

Visit to National Museum of Denmark of Ruth Phillips, Norman Vorano and Alex Nahwegahbow assisted by Mille Gabriel and Anja Blok Jespersen on June 24, 2016.

Approximate Place of Origin

43.6, -71.9