Change Purse

Change Purse

Change Purse

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A beaded change purse. Likely Haudenosaunee, Mohawk. Made by Mrs. Strength from Bala Reserve. Acquired by the Woodland Cultural Centre in 1994.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

On a tag attached to this item it reads "Made by Mrs. Strength Bala Reserve". Bala reserve is located near Gibson Reserve. This reserve is located in Mohawk territory.

Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Catalogue card


red velvet; beige cotton; red thread; seed beads - metallic faceted, translucent red, opalescent; snap button fixture

Techniques or Format

Red velvet panels sewn together and lined with beige cotton. A strap is made from two strands of beads. Beaded designs decorate both sides of the strap.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 994.7.4
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: July 11, 1994
Collection Narratives and Histories

Acquired by the Woodland Cultural Centre from George Maracle.

GKS Reference Number: 26778
Record Creation Context

Created on a research trip to the Woodland Cultural Centre July 7, 2011. Researchers present: Stacey Loyer and Joanna Miller.

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