canoe, model
canoe, model
canoe, model

Early 20th century Hodenosaunee model birchbark canoe sewn with possibly spruce root (?) and decorated with quilled designs of X's or crosses on both sides. Donated by Mrs. R. Kayser in 1939.
Museum database indicates: "Iroquois USA"
Museum documentation, GRASAC generated
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birchbark; possibly spruce root (?); wood splint; porcupine quills dyed green.
This model canoe is made of one piece of birchbark stitched together with possibly spruce root (?). The rims or gunwales of the canoe are made of wood splint and are secured to the birchbark with possibly spruce root (?). Birchbark has been cut and sewn together in two places on both sides to create a contour in the body of the canoe at the centre. Quillwork decorates both sides.
It appears that motifs of two "X's" or crosses decorated both ends of the canoe as well as its centre on both sides.
Museum documentation
Donated by Mrs. R. Kayser in 1939
About This GRASAC Record

Museum register