canoe cup

canoe cup

canoe cup

top image

Canoe cup with relief carving on back and handle.


Made of wood, paint

Techniques or Format

Carved from single piece of wood with animals and figures carved in relief on the back and handle, incised designs on side of handle

Other Notes

Probably a souvenir item or, less likely, associated with voyageurs

Condition: Good
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: A.1956.669
GKS Reference Number: 25058
How to Cite this Item

Unknown artist, canoe cup. Currently at National Museums Scotland, A.1956.669. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007 in which the author took part; GRASAC item id 25058.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

9 Apr 2007 Ruth Phillips, On-site researchers: Cory Willmott, Heidi Bohaker, Laura Peers, Ruth Phillips, Keith Jamieson, Alan Corbiere, Henrietta Lidchi, Robert Storrie, Chantal Knowles, Brenda McGoff