Buyback of Six Nations Land in Township of Hawkesbury (Eastern Division)
Buyback of Six Nations Land in Township of Hawkesbury (Eastern Division)
Buyback of Six Nations Land in Township of Hawkesbury (Eastern Division)

In consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of Upper Canada, Catherine Claus agrees to sell to James Baby, John H. Dunn, and George H. Markland the equivalent of 1200 acres of land in the Township of Hawkesbury (Eastern Division), in the County of Prescott. The tract of land has been purchased for the sole use and behoof of the Six Nations Indians.
First Nation for which land was purchased
English: Spring
Indian Treaties and Surrenders
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paper, ink, wax
Description of Land Sold:
In consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of the Province of Upper Canada, paid by James Baby, John Henry Dunn, and George Herchmer Markland, Catherine Claus, widow of William Claus, agrees to sell the following one thousand two hundred acres of land situated in the Township of Hawkesbury (Eastern Division), in the County of Prescott. The tract of land contains lots numbers thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, and twenty in the third concession of the said Township of Hawkesbury. This tract of land was purchased in trust for the sole use of the Six Nation's Indians, settled by King George III upon the Ouse or Grand River in the Province of Upper Canada.
Commencing in front of the said concession at the north-east angle of each of the said lots respectively; then south twenty-five degrees west one hundred and five chains twenty-seven links, to the allowance for road in the rear of said concession; then north sixty-five degrees west nineteen chains; to the western limit in each lot; then north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and five chains and twenty-seven links, to the allowance for road in front of the said concession; then south sixty-five degrees east nineteen chains, to the place of beginning in each lot.
Robert Hamilton
Walter H. Dickson
Crown Signatories:
Catherine Claus
J. Baby
John H. Dunn
George H. Markland
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 84-87.
About This GRASAC Record
6 June 1831, Buyback of Six Nations Land in Township of Hawkesbury (Eastern Division), Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1843, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT 099,, (heritage item id no. 2809, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled ““Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Location of treaty lands