Box, porcupine quill

Box, porcupine quill

Box, porcupine quill

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Nation of Maker: Other
Nation of Origin


Date Made or Date Range: 1800s to 1900s

Birch bark; porcupine quills; spruce root; cedar.

Techniques or Format

Top: birchbark components stitched with split spruce root; spruce root trim around top edge and around sides. Bottom: birchbark sides and liner stitched with split spruce root; cedar bottom secured with spruce root pegs; split spruce root trim at upper and lower edges, secured with same. Fully quilled top and sides.

Motifs and Patterns

Classic split spruce root and quill woven designs around top sides; quadripartite geometrical design on top and chevron designs around bottom sides in natural, green,, yellow and blue (faded) quills. // "248" penciled on bottom, possibly an institutional number.

Original and Subsequent Uses

market object

Dimensions: 7.625 × 4 × 3.25 in
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses


Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 66-2138
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1962
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: Missouri Historical Society
GKS Reference Number: 24652
Approximate Place of Origin
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