box, birchbark
box, birchbark
box, birchbark

A birchbark box decorated with porcupine quillwork and cedar root. There is a flyer inside, written by Chief Chas. Pokagon, dated May 21 1900, describing birchbark quillwork.
The catalogue card says the box is "Chippewa."
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birch bark; porcupine quills white and dyed yellow; spruce or cedar root; basswood.
The box is made of white birch bark, decorated with porcupine quillwork.
The edging is cedar or spruce root. The sewing around the top edge holding the root to the bark basket is also done with a thread of root. The lid is tacked to the top in three places, with basswood twine.
The root edging along the sides and bottom is held down at regular points with white porcupine quill X's.
The basswood twine is double-twisted.
Floral and leaf motifs.
About This GRASAC Record
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, May 5 2010.