Black skin pouch

Black skin pouch

Black skin pouch

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A late 18th century type black skin bag which may have been acquired from the London, England dealer Oldman, possibly Delaware or Anishinaabe

Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Possibly Delaware, according to David Penney's report of Ted Brasser's analysis

Condition: the shape of the bag has been distorted by being hung from the top, it was rectangular originally, there is a cloth patch on centre left of the front
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: NA 3979
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: probably between 1910-1920
Collection Narratives and Histories

probably the London, England dealer Oldman

GKS Reference Number: 26994
Record Creation Context

GRASAC study visit, participants: David Penney, Ruth Phillips, Stacey Loyer, William Wierzbowski, December 3, 2009

Approximate Place of Origin
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