belt, bandoliere

belt, bandoliere

belt, bandoliere

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A red wool belt decorated with cutout black wool and beaded with old cylindrical white glass beads; at the ends attached twill tapes. Donated to the Royal collection by consul "Kontschnitt" (prob. Johannes Kruttschnitt, who was appointed Prussian consul for New Orleans in 1868); stated to be from the Choctaw.

Nation of Maker: Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Choctaw, stated on catalogue card

Place of Origin: New Orleans, USA
Date Made or Date Range: ca. 1860s
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

catalogue card and additional informations by N.Stolle


red wool strips, natural cotton yarn, black cotton, cotton twill tape (red, blue, beige), old cylindrical white seed beads

Techniques or Format

2 red wool strips sewn together, overlapping for 2cm; decorated with black cotton and glass beads; attached twill tapes at the ends

Motifs and Patterns

curve-linear design

Condition: fair, oil stains on back side
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

collection's history

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: IV-B-1693
GKS Reference Number: 491
Record Creation Context

Created by Nikolaus Stolle during a research visit to the museum commissioned by Ruth Phillips and supported by her research funds.

Approximate Place of Origin
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