
Rectangular loom woven bead panel, Opaque & semi-translucent glass beads in alternating rows of diamonds & crosses on a white background, Knotted ends securing beads.
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glass beads, linen thread
Long rectangular loom woven panel; opaque and semi-translucent glass beads, Woven with linen thread warps and wefts, At one end the threads are knotted near beads to hold in place, Both ends have loose threads knotted together.
Row of alternating diamonds and crosses on a white background, Diamonds are red, navy blue and green with red centre, Crosses are red with navy blue centre, Along top and bottom edges is loop stitch edging of white beads.
From the personal collection of Nathaniel Murdock William John McKenzie.
About This GRASAC Record
Manitoba Museum

Attributed to Northeast Great Lakes-Riverine