
Rectangular loom woven opaque and semi-translucent glass bead panel, geometric designs, hourglass-shaped end pieces are smoked tanned hide with long fringes
based on catalogue records
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Loom woven panel of opaque and semi-translucent glass beads, Smoked tanned hide with long fringes, Cotton thread.
Long rectangular loom woven panel, Opaque and semi-translucent glass beads, Woven with cotton string warps and wefts, End pieces are smoked tanned hide with long fringes, Each end piece is hourglass shaped and sewn with thread.
Designs are geometric, Along centre are alternating blue and yellow rectangles with a row of red along one edge, Along top are red and white triangles alternating with white rectangles, triangles are separated by rows of white and black, Along bottom are inverted and upright pink and white triangles separated by rows of red and white, Along top and bottom edges is an inner border of two red and white rows.
Catalogue records
Originally in the collection of Nathaniel Murdock William John McKenzie. Collection records include a note which identifies it as a "Manitoulin Island, Belt".
About This GRASAC Record
Manitoba Museum

Attributed to Northeast Great Lakes-Riverine Geo-Cultural area.