
Haudenosaunee beaded trapezoidal pouch. Possibly Seneca (W.C.). Made of brown wool stroud, lined with cotton and beaded on both sides with symmetrical geometric motifs. Circa 19th century.
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Brown possibly stroud material, brown cotton lining red silk ribbon, glass beads
Made with possibly 2 pieces of possibly brown stroud(?) lined with brown cotton cloth and bound with red silk ribbon and edged with beads. Beaded front and back
One side: Symmetrical design, two large diamonds on the sides, central hourglass shape with zigzags inside, bottom of hourglass shape has double curve with zigzags to create 2 possibly floral motifs, top of hourglass shape has one spiral motif. Back - symmetrical design, 4 quadrant motif possibly floral, between each quadrant are zigzag lines terminating into spirals. Zigzag lines
Collected by Rudolf F. Haffenreffer (no date given)
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University (Bristol, RI) of Wahsontiio Cross and Alexandra Nahwegahbow, assisted by Robert Preucel and Kevin Smith on 13 August 2015.