
Beadwork sample created by Mrs. Walter Jimerson of Allegheny Seneca reservation (NY). Museum purchase by Frank G. Speck in 1951. Red felt cloth bound with blue silk ribbon and edged with white glass beads. White beadwork ornaments the border of two edges. Note attached describes design as "snow shoes" or "ah:da:awa" (Seneca language).
Allegheny reservation, NY
catalog data
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wool cloth, silk ribbon, glass beads
flat-stitched beadwork embroidery
zig-zags and "floral" motifs (which are described in the note as "snowshoes" or "ah:da:awa" in Seneca)
note stapled to front reads "7/seven"; other note kept with item reads "“snow shoes/ ah-da-awa”
catalog data (museum purchase in 1951)
Museum purchase by Frank G. Speck, from Mrs. Walter Jimerson at Allegheny reservation, 1951
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, MA) of Wahsontiio Cross and Alexandra Nahwegahbow, assisted by Eric Wohlin on 10 August 2015.

Allegheny reservation, NY