beaded discs
beaded discs
beaded discs

Set of four discs made of woven sweetgrass. Each disc is has beaded symmetrical designs on wool and silk ribbon backing, appliqued on one side. Collected by Lewis Henry Morgan from a Seneca artist, circa 1840s.
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sweetgrass, wool, silk, glass beads, thread
Each disk is made of silk and/or wool background, edged with silk ribbon in a different colour. Beadwork is done on top of this. Beaded edging. Backing is coiled sweetgrass. Edged with silk tape (front and back).
abstracted floral motifs, spirals, diamonds
JJ: Suggests that these cloth and sweetgrass disks may have originated as shell disks strung as a necklace. The evidence for this are archaeologically found small shell disks with single holes most of which have engraved designs. More geometrical designs, only one with a floral design. Some people have suggested these could be a compass. Designs are geometric and rarely curvilinear.
Collected by Lewis Henry Morgan in 1840s in New York State and bequeathed to the University of Rochester (U of R) upon his death in 1881. The collection was transferred from the U of R to the Rochester Museum in 1970.
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Rochester Museum and Science Center (Rochester, NY) of Wahsontiio Cross, Kate Higginson, Alexandra Nahwegahbow, Melissa Otis, Ruth Phillips and Paula Whitlow, assisted by Jamie Jacobs and Kathryn Murano on 2-3 May 2016.