Beaded bag with strap.

Beaded bag with strap.

Beaded bag with strap.

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Beaded bag. Looks similar to a bandolier bag. Back of cloth with wide cloth strip or bag for a horse. Front and strap covered with geometric designs in beads on green stroud cloth. Strap lined with floral pattern cloth. Some tinkler fringe with yarn tuffs across front top and bottom of bag.

Name of Maker(s): Anonymous Delaware Artist
Nation of Maker: Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Peabody Museum catalogue record.

Date Made or Date Range: 1840-1859
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Peabody Museum catalogue record.


Glass , Cotton , Metal alloy , Wool , Silk Dye

Dimensions: 70 × 44 × 0.5 cm
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Peabody Museum catalogue record.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 985-27-10/60535
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1985
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: Bequest of William H. Claflin, Jr., 1985
GKS Reference Number: 58951
Record Creation Context

Record Created by Shenella Charles GRASAC Summer RA

Approximate Place of Origin
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