basket, hanging

basket, hanging

basket, hanging

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A 6-sided green and red cloth hanging basket with a flared and scalloped mouth, glass bead decoration in geometric and vegetal motifs. Haudenosaunee tourist piece, made around the Niagara region in the mid-19th century.

Nation of Maker: Hodenosaunee/Haudenosaunee
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

FLMNH records, N. Feder, February, 1972

Date Made or Date Range: 1840-60
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

FLMNH records, N. Feder, February, 1972


red, green cloth; clear, dark glass beads

Techniques or Format

6-sided; bulbous middle; flared, scalloped mouth;red and green cloth panels, alternating; clear seed and dark tube glass bead rosettes and leaves; beaded loop fringe on base and scallops; long bead string hangers.

Motifs and Patterns

branch with leaf motif; geometric.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

FLMNH records, N. Feder, February, 1972

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 80855
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1941-06-02
Collection Narratives and Histories

Donated by Mrs. H.E. Gore, Captiva Florida on June 2, 1941. Part of a collection comprising 70 fossils, 117 Indian mound stone implements and ornaments, 23 shell implements and ornaments, 5 specimens of Seminole Indian work, 16 specimens of bead work, 2 Indian skulls, 21 specimens of basketry, 10 specimens of war material, 14 specimens of ceramics, 13 specimens of glassware, 14 specimens of wood ware, 22 specimens of ironware, 1 specimen of horsehair, 1 leather specimen, 1 cow horn specimen, 61 sea plant specimens, 1 wallpaper sample book, 2 clocks, 9 books, 7 pairs of steer horns, 1 pair of deer antlers, 36 turtle specimens, 3 rattlesnake skins, 17 wood specimens, 9 carved coconuts, 29 minerals, 38 concretion specimens, 17 fossils, 6 coral specimens, 1 street lamp, 18 trays, 3 cartons of shells.

GKS Reference Number: 25650
Record Creation Notes/Observations

made from the FLMNH records

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