
Birch bark and spruce root basket, decorated with porcupine quillwork. Anishinaabeg, made between 1880 and 1910. Collected by Lieutenant William Hulme Hooper and donated to the British Museum by Miss K Eden Hooper in 1943.
RP makes this attribution based upon the style of quillwork.
Created from information in the British Museum's object catalogue and the GRASAC research team's discussion.
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Made of birch bark and spruce root, decorated with porcupine quills dyed red, green and brown. It looks like there may be a varnish over the quills.
A round hindsighted box with a lid. The rims of both the lid and base are evenly bound with spruce root. The root binding that attaches the box base to the sides is done in an unsual running stitch. Both the lids and sides are lined with separate pieces of bark. 5.4in in diameter.
Rims of lid and base are evenly round with spruce root, split root of some kind - its different from what most look like, the root binding that attaches base to side is with an unusual running stitch. The lids and sides lined with separate pieces of bark
A geometric floral or 8 pointed star design decorates the lid. The side of the box is decorated with motifs resembling branches of leaves.
Date range based upon style.
Collected by Lieutenant William Hulme Hooper and donated to the British Museum by Miss K. Eden Hooper in 1943.
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown Anishinaabeg artist, basket. Currently in the British Museum, Am1943,05.2. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007; GRASAC item id 27114
This record was created as part of a Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) research trip to the Pitt Rivers Museum and British Museum, December 8-22 2007, funded by a grant from the International Opportunities fund of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Researchers present: Heidi Bohaker (HB), John Borrows (JB), Lindsay Borrows (LB), Alan Corbiere (AC), Henrietta Lidchi (HL), Stacey Loyer (SL), Janis Monture (JM), Bruce Morito (BM), Ruth Phillips (RP), Anne De Stecher (AS), Cory Willmott (CW).