


top image

Large coiled basket, black \"flying goose\" pattern

Nation of Maker: Unknown
Date Made or Date Range: Before 1930-12-12
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Original catalogue record

Techniques or Format

Made with the coiling technique

Motifs and Patterns

According to original catalogue record, the basket has a "flying goose" pattern

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

According to original catalogue record, basket was donated to the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology in December of 1930

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: UMMA3032
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1930-12-12
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: Before 1930-12-12
Collection Narratives and Histories

Donated to the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology by Mrs. M.H. Riggs in December of 1930

GKS Reference Number: 26691
How to Cite this Item

University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, UMMA3032