Bandolier Bag

Bandolier Bag

Bandolier Bag

top image

Stylized floral design of loom-woven beadwork on a white field, stitched on black velveteen, bias tape edged, 8 tabs with red & blue yarn tassels

Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe Ojibwe
Nation of Origin

Also attributed to the Saulteaux cultural type.

Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Revision of available information


Fabric, velveteen, black; Fabric, cotton?, undyed; Bias tape, cotton?, medium red & medium blue; Yarn, medium red & medium blue; Beads, seed, white (opaque), black (opaque), brown (transparent tawny), red (opaque light-mahogany, transparent medium red), yellow (opaque tan, opaque canary, opaque lemon), green (opaque medium green, opaque pear, transparent dark green), blue (4 opaque shades from light to navy).

Techniques or Format

Hand sewn; loom-woven beadwork; commercial cloth.

Motifs and Patterns

Stylized floral; Diamonds; Parallelograms; Squares; 8-pointed star; Leaves?; Butterflies?

Original and Subsequent Uses

"Bandolier bags most likely originated in the Upper Great Lakes region during the 1840s and 1850s. Fashioned exclusively from European materials and adorned with thousands of beads, bandolier bags were primarily for show, as a symbol of identity, wealth and status. Although initially functional, by the late 19th and early 20th centuries many of the bags had false pockets or none at all. Sometimes called "friendship bags", they were often created as gifts to strengthen relationships within communities or between nations. By the 1870s they had become an important element of formal dress worn mainly at ceremonies and celebrations by men, and occasionally by women. They wore them - singly or several at a time - crossed over the torso or draped around the neck. The wearing of more than one bag was generally the prerogative of a leader or a person of high honour." (McCord, 2013)

Dimensions: 93 × 30.6 × 0 cm
Condition: Velveteen is worn in some areas.
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: H4-11-29
Collection at Current Location: Cultural Anthropology Collection
Source for Provenance information

McCord Museum. Wearing Our Identity. Montreal: The McCord Museum, 2013. Print.

Sources to Learn More

McCord Museum. Wearing Our Identity. Montreal: The McCord Museum, 2013. Print.

GKS Reference Number: 45175
How to Cite this Item

Manitoba Museum

Record Creation Context

Content from the Manitoba Museum's catalog records. Uploaded by Orvis Starkweather as part of their summer internship.

Approximate Place of Origin

49.7405, -94.4265

Source of Information about Places

Attributed to Northeast Great Lakes-Riverine Geo-cultural area.