Aughquisasnes Meeting Minutes, August 21, 1769
Aughquisasnes Meeting Minutes, August 21, 1769
Aughquisasnes Meeting Minutes, August 21, 1769

Meeting minutes from printed primary source
“The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 7,” prepared for publication by Alexander C. Flick from the Division of Archives and History
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Adighwadooni of Aughquisasne speaks to Sir William Johnson about promises made after the Conquest of Canada to give them possession of their land, religious freedom, in the context of various meetings that occurred prior to and include the Proclamation. Gives Wampum.
Brother Warraghiyagey mentions a dispute between their lands at St. Regis and the St. Francis people with whom they are contesting hunting and living space over. Blames Mr. Hartell, leader of the St. Francis Mission, for encouraging this conflict. Asks Johnson to mediate and stop them. Gives Wampum.
Johnson responds that he supports the St. Francis Indians living at Aughquisasne, and that neither they “nor the Cagawageys must imagine themselves Masters or proprietors of the Lands they lived on.” They were “surpized” and said Johnson “knew nothing of their Affairs.” Johnson gives Wampum.
Date of meeting
About This GRASAC Record
Aughquisasnes Meeting Minutes, August 21, 1769. In “The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 7,” prepared for publication by Alexander C. Flick from the Division of Archives and History, pg 109-112. Publisher Albany: University of the State of New York, 1931. GKS ID: 58869.