Archival Document
Archival Document
Archival Document

Letter from the British (John Butler or L. Col. Bolton) to the Six Nations invoking an already-established military alliance (a ). In particular, the author warns of the need to meet the Virginians and other enemies from the Ohio before they arrive on the Indians own territory, lest they claim it as their own. He says that the 6 Nations and the British must each do their part against the common enemy. He encourages the Nations to inform the Shawnee and Delawares who have sided with the Americans of their mistake. ; This confirmation of military alliance he requests with a wampum belt and 4 white strings of wampum. He is emphatic that the way to successfully resist the avancing Americans is for the confederacy to unite together.
In Document: Seneca; Mohawks; Ondagas; Cayougas; Oneida; Tuscarawas; Hurons; Shawnee; Delawares
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Ink on paper
A sketch of the wampum belt is includd in the letter. There appear to be six (or perhaps seven) strings of wampum at either end of the belt. The image of the belt consists of what appears to be a backwards capital G (in somehting akin to copperplate gothic script), and to the right of it, seven diamond shapes displayed the length of the belt, at equidistance from one another. In non-cursive script, the words "Black Belt" have been added. Adjacent to that text are the words "4 feet & 1/2 long," which appear ot have been penned by the same hand as the rest of the letter.
The belt appears to signify a military alliance. The Seven diamonds may represent each of the Six Nations and the Hurons. The "G" may represent the British.
Date given in document.
About This GRASAC Record
NAC, MG23, GII10, volume 2.
Created by Research Assistant Aaron Mills during the first summer of the SSHRC Aboriginal Research Grant 2007 to 2010