
Pouch of black-dyed, smoked hide, sewn to retain the form of the animal. Designed to be worn around the neck, possibly as a container for pipes and tobacco. Large beads with metal cones and a fringe add to its appearance. From the collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale du France. Dates from before 1792 and is probably of Great Lakes origin.
The style and materials suggest a Great Lakes origin.
MQB records. Anne de Stecher's dissertation research.
de Stecher, Annette. Engaged Histories: Wendat Women’s Souvenir Arts of Cultural Preservation and Entrepreneurial Invention. PhD dissertation. Ottawa: Carleton University, 2013.
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Black-dyed, smoked hide; beads, grey/white, two or three striped with blue; metal cones; tendon.
Made from the whole hide of a small animal. It is sewn on three sides, made of two pieces. the fringe at the bottom is made from pieces cut from the skin. Beads in horizontal rows are on the front only.
The seams are sewn together with tendon.
It makes a lovely sound when it is moved. It still has the scent of smoked hide.
The material in the Bibliothèque Nationale du France was collected before 1792. Autumn Epple believes that based on the materials and its considered use, it dates between 1700 and 1780.
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown artist, pouch. Currently in the Musée du quai Branly, 71.1878.32.68. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip; GRASAC item id 1437.
This record was created by Anne de Stecher during an RAship for Prof. Ruth Phillips.
This record will be unrestricted access on the completion of Anne de Stecher's dissertation, 2011.

MQB catalogue and style.