MS Navarre (Robert) 1734 – 1790 May 26, 1771 Deed from Pottawatomi for land near Robiche

MS Navarre (Robert) 1734 – 1790 May 26, 1771 Deed from Pottawatomi for land near Robiche

MS Navarre (Robert) 1734 – 1790 May 26, 1771 Deed from Pottawatomi for land near Robiche

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This manuscript is a property grant from the Cheifs of the Potawatami Nation of Detroit to Robert Navarre dated May 26, 1771. The deed describes the location of the property by the old village of Robiche and is signed using totemic signatures/clan emblems of the Chiefs.

Nation of Maker: Other
Date Made or Date Range: 1734 /1790 (AC), 1771-05-26
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Information contained within manuscript now part of the Burton Historical Collection located in the Detroit Public Library.


Paper and ink, with a red ink stamp on cover.

Techniques or Format

Appears written with a quill pen.

Motifs and Patterns

Totemic signatures of a fish/sturgeon, a bear, a moose, another bear, a stag, a deer, a fish, another deer and five unknown motifs.

Additional Context

Totemic signatures/clan marks.

Description of Writing/Text

Manuscript: 2 pieces of rectangular paper, the cover piece folded in half vertically, then folded into three horizontal bands. The paper of the deed is folded the same way, appearing as if they were folded as one. The cover has a red ink seal stamped above the inscription on the other side of the vertical fold mark. The inscription is small and appears to be written on the top of the section after it was folded three times. The red ink seal has the letters B.H.C. (for Burton Historical Collections presumably) in the top of the circle and a pictorial engraving. Two shapes recognizable as tipis appear in the left quadrant of the seal and it appears to be forest in the background. The foreground is undistinguishable. In the Burton Historical Collections.

Dimensions: 0 × 0 × 0 mm
Condition: Good, script mostly legible and fold marks not too deep.
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

May 26 1771 date inscribed on cover of deed. Script inside manuscript says 15 July 1772. (DLM)

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: grasac_2948
Link to Institution's Collections Database:
GKS Reference Number: 862
How to Cite this Item

MS Navarre (Robert) 1734 – 1790 May 26, 1771. Burton Historical Collection, Deptroit Public Library.

Record Creation Context

This record was created as part of a Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) research trip to the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, funded by a grant from the International Opportunities fund of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Approximate Place of Origin
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