flute, courting
flute, courting
flute, courting

A wooden courting flute with one finger hole. The bottom opening is carved in the shape of a bird with its head painted red. Collected by G.C. Beltrami in Wisconsin in 1823. Vigorelli, the Beltrami Collection catalogue's author, describes it as a Santee Sioux courting flute.
The author of the Beltrami catalogue, Vigorelli, states that "Sante Sioux" is this item's the nation of origin.
Based on museum documentation.
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wood, ash (?); sinew; brass tacks; dye, red
Carved from wood and painted. Brass tacks have been used decoratively, as the eyes of the being carved at the bottom opening of the flute. The bottom opening is carved in the shape of an animal, possibly a bird, with brass or metal tacks used to represent its eyes.
An animal, possibly a bird.
Vigorelli in the Beltrami s Collection Catalogue wrote:"Il suono prodotto da questo zufolo ricorda il canto d''amore del cervo maschio (wapiti) di cui gli indiani apprezzavano la dolcezza e la forza in amore: per questo lo strumento e'' conosciuto come "zufolo del cervo" ed al suo suono era attribuito potere d''amore." (p. 33)
Collected by G.C. Beltrami from Wisconsin in 1823. Beltrami's collection catalogue states that around 1856, Beltrami's nephew donated several objects to the Civic Library of Bergamo, which were later transferred to the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali.
The Beltrami Collection was exhibited in Florence in 1929 during the "Prima Esposizione Nazionale di Storia delle Scienze" (First National Exposition of History of Sciences"). In 1973, during a celebration of the Beltrami exhibit, Glauco Luchetti donated three objects from his own collection, which were located in Beltrami's last house in Filottrano, to the "Museo Civico E. Caffi". In 1987 the collection was used in the exhibit entitled "Missisippi 1823. Oggetti indiani raccolti da G. Costantino Beltrami" in the Galleria Lorenzelli in Bergamo.
Beltrami s catalogue. Vigorelli, Gli Oggetti indiani raccolti da G.Costantino Beltrami (p.33).
Leonardo Vigorelli, Gli Oggetti indiani raccolti da G.Costantino Beltrami, Civico Museo E. Caffi, Bergamo, 1987
About This GRASAC Record
This record was created by Emanuela Rossi after a trip, funded by GRASAC, to the Museo Civico E. Caffi in Bergamo, Italy in October 2008.
Researchers present: Emanuela Rossi

In the Beltrami Collection Catalogue, the author, Leonardo Vigorelli, defines "Upper Mississippi" as the Cultural Area of Origin. He defines "Northern Plains" as the Geographic Area.