cradleboard, model with doll

cradleboard, model with doll

cradleboard, model with doll

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A Hodenosaunee model wooden cradleboard and doll with beaded ribbon wrappings. Seneca, made ca. 1880. Collected by Herman ten Kate and acquired by the museum in 1889.

Nation of Origin

Museum documentation

Date Made or Date Range: ca. 1880
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

GRASAC generated


wood; nails; decorative ribbon; fabric; glass beads; tulle; lace; nails; pins; black paint/dye

Techniques or Format

Backboard, footrest and upright hoop are made of carved pieces of wood secured with nails. Silk ribbon and loops of glass bead strings attached to sides of the wooden backboard. Wrappings are made of silk and plaid patterned fabric and decorative ribbon ornamented with glass beads. ribbon has been secured with pins. Pillow or padding surrounding the face of the doll is made of silk ribbon overlaid with lace and tulle. Doll is made of carved wood, with black paint/dye for eyes and mouth; wearing bonnet of silk with lace trim.

Motifs and Patterns

carved wooden lobed motifs at either end of the upright bow where it is attached to the backboard

Dimensions: 25 × 13 × 10 cm
Condition: Not removed from the mount
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Museum documentation

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 710-26
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1889
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: Herman ten Kate
Collection Narratives and Histories

Collected by Herman ten Kate, purchased from him in 1889

GKS Reference Number: 26362
Approximate Place of Origin
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