Relatives/Heritage items
Displaying 3701 - 3720 of 4694 Relatives
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woman's straw hat of native grass
Cradle board with doll, bag for doll is stuffed with moss, second half of 19th century.
A calling card basket decorated with moosehair embroidery and finished with sweet grass. Likely convent work from Quebec city area. This basket is one of a larger collection of items made by Thomas White (Whyte) which were donated to the Grierson Museum by his son
"small white" bean
tomahawk, trimmbed with black and tan fur
pin for corn husking
ladle, wood.
A catlinite pipe bowl with silver inlay, with a carved being in the elbow area that may represent a water being. Possibly Anishinaabe and made in the late 18th or early 19th century. In the collections of the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of
circular silver breast ornament incised decoration representing a raccon.