General Return of Indian Presents.

General Return of Indian Presents.

General Return of Indian Presents.

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This appears to be an inventory of Indian presents remaining at year's end 1793. According to the two dates at which stock was taken, the inventory is calculated twice annually, or perhaps instead the suggestion may be that presents were given twice during the year 1793.

Nation of Maker: None
Nation of Origin

In Document: None.

Techniques or Format

Ink on paper

Motifs and Patterns


Additional Context


Description of Writing/Text

People: Lamothe! G.; Selby! P

Condition: Good
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Date given in document.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: Claus Papers, Vol. 6 (M.G. 19, F1) reel C1479, pp. 67-68.
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 0
GKS Reference Number: 902
How to Cite this Item

Claus Papers, Vol. 6 (M.G. 19, F1) reel C1479, pp. 67-68.

Record Creation Context

Created by Research Assistant Aaron Mills during the first summer of the SSHRC Aboriginal Research Grant 2007 to 2010

Approximate Place of Origin
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