shoulder bag

shoulder bag

shoulder bag

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Shoulder bag made of deer skin dyed black/brown, silk ribbon, tin cones, red dyed animal hair, porcupine quills in orangy-red and white, and small white glass beads.

Name of Maker(s): Unknown Miami artist
Nation of Maker: Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)


1881 tag says miami-indianer (algonkin); vereiningte staaten (united states); coll schwarz (D1969); verso K.K. Naturhistor. Hofmuseum Anthropolog-Ethnograph. Sammlung.


Deer skin dyed black brown (body); silk ribbon, tin cones, red dyed animal hair; Porcupine quills in orangy-red and white; small white glass beads along top edge; cotton thread

Motifs and Patterns

Ribbon work forms zigzag lines, a line of losenge shapes and a lines of alternating trapezoid and triange shapes and stripes in different widths

Condition: Fair-good
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 11968
GKS Reference Number: 45144
How to Cite this Item

Unknown Miami artist, shoulder bag. Currently in the Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, Austria, 11968. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip January 2016; GRASAC item id 45144.

Record Creation Context

In January of 2016, a small team of GRASAC researchers visited the collection to study and photograph it: Ruth Phillips, Lisa Truong, Naomi Recollet (Anishinaabe (Odawa/Ojibwe), Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory) and Wahsontiio Cross (Mohawk, Kahnawake).

Approximate Place of Origin
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