shoulder bag

shoulder bag

shoulder bag

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Shoulder bag made from deer skin, smoked and dyed dark brown, porcupine quills, metal sequins, cones, dyed deer hair, and beads. Bag features five thunderbird motifs with wampum zigzag on strap.


Deer skin, smoked, dyed dark brown; strap is faded or a lighter brown; shows signs of fading because the inside of the bag is a darker brown indicating the outside has faded a bit; porcupine quills, colours faded;
9 metal sequins, stitching indicates there are more, along the bottom of the bag, they would have been quite bright when new (unusual for bags of this time) cones are yellow, not tin (?); beads size btw 6 & 8 (WC) light blue with cotton thread on edging of strap; white quills along the edge of strap; thread of beads runs underneath the quill line of quillwork; looks like it's tacking down the quills (RP). WC sees something else also tacking down quills possibly sinew, in addition to cotton thread attaching the beads; dyed deer hair

Techniques or Format

Zigzag band

Motifs and Patterns

5 thunderbirds on middle band; unidentified 5 motifs on top and bottom band; wavy line on bottom; parallel wampum motif on strap (15)

Additional Context

Identification of forms on top and bottom rows should be pursued; and the similarities on the strap with wampum should also be looked at

Other Notes

three separate pieces of hide (back, front, middle)
line of quillwork on separate hide that has been sewed on;
quill edging of bag is brown, black, orange quills and the quill edging of center flap is blue and orange

Length Total (Bag & Strap): 65 cm
Length of bag (no fringe): 19.5 cm
Length of strap: 41 cm
Total Width (Bag): 20.5 cm
Total Width (strap): 3cm

Condition: Cleaned, very good condition
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 11097
Collection at Current Location: Schwarz Collection
Previous Collectors: Schwarz
GKS Reference Number: 45141
How to Cite this Item

Unknown Indigenous artist, shoulder bag. Currently in the Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, Austria, 11097. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip January 2016; GRASAC item ID 45141.

Record Creation Context

In January of 2016, a small team of GRASAC researchers visited the collection to study and photograph it: Ruth Phillips, Lisa Truong, Naomi Recollet (Anishinaabe (Odawa/Ojibwe), Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory) and Wahsontiio Cross (Mohawk, Kahnawake).

Approximate Place of Origin
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