Baby carrier

Baby carrier

Baby carrier

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Anishinaabe style baby carrier made of carved wood, with a bent bow and wool wrapper with ribbon work. Made before 1960.

Date Made or Date Range: before 1960
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

catalog data and observations


wood; thong made of possibly catgut/rawhide (stiff to the touch); navy blue wool, red and lt. grey-purple silk ribbon, yellow and green cotton tape and patterned fabric tie; nails; twine

Techniques or Format

bow is bound to board by the rawhide thong; navy wool wrapper has appliqued ribbon work in zig-zag pattern with red and lt. grey-purple silk ribbon, bound with a yellow and green cotton tape and patterned fabric tie-- appears to be nailed to board.; wrapper is in two pieces: one larger piece covered with a thinner band of wool, with green tape and lined in same purple patterned fabric as the tie.

Motifs and Patterns

tag (recto) reads "old Chippewa Indian Cradle"; tag (verso) reads: "birchbark lining 27.50"

Dimensions: 68.58 × 34.29 × 36.195 cm
Condition: good
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

deposited at museum in 1960

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: E37179
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1960
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: Deposited by Mr. and Mrs. Williard C. Cousins, 1960
GKS Reference Number: 45095
Record Creation Context

Visit to Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, MA) of Wahsontiio Cross and Alexandra Nahwegahbow, assisted by Eric Wohlin on 10 August 2015.

Approximate Place of Origin
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