
Haudenosaunee-style hide, single-seamed moccasins with silk ribbon applique and beadwork trim on cuffs.
style (single-seam construction)
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Tanned hide, silk ribbon, quills (shiny) dyed orange-red, blue and natural
Each made of single piece of hide, with single centre seam at the top, and at the heel, with folded over cuffs. Small pieces of hide added to the back corner of the cuffs to make them longer towards the heel. Woven quillwork panels on the cuffs, bordered with silk ribbon and edged with white beads sewn with possibly thread(?).
Each side of cuff is different. According to catalogue records: patterns match those on the other moccasin but on opposite sides. One cuff: Quillwork in zigzag pattern. Other cuff: quillwork with hourglass and diamond motifs - interlocked pattern. Centre of diamonds have possibly an equal-armed cross motif.
Sewn on to black mount
catalog data (acquired by museum in 1821)
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, MA) of Wahsontiio Cross and Alexandra Nahwegahbow, assisted by Eric Wohlin on 10 August 2015.