birch bark container

birch bark container

birch bark container

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Container made of birch bark lined with paper and silk ribbon.


Birch bark, paper, silk ribbon.

Techniques or Format

Made of four pieces, a rectangular strip formed into the bottom and two sides, and two oval sides with straight top edges, and a top each of these pieces is lined with paper (missing from the top) and the separate panels are edged with silk ribbon

Dimensions: 8 × 9.5 × 11.5 cm
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 965.78.3
GKS Reference Number: 27307
How to Cite this Item

Unknown artist, birch bark container. Currently in the Royal Ontario Museum, 965.78.3. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip October 2014; GRASAC item id 27307.

Approximate Place of Origin
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