Saddle, Pad

Saddle, Pad

Saddle, Pad

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Nation of Maker: Métis Sioux Other
Date Made or Date Range: 1830-1840

Leather, horsehair, possibly grass and wool yarn. Beads- Clear: medium and dark green, dark rose. Opaque white [pre- 1830], dark cobalt blue. Opalescent: light blue [datable].

Techniques or Format

Modified Sioux stitch beads strung on sinew. SFR. Two hour glass pieces of hide attached to one another to forma pad, stuffed with horsehair [possible grass] and edged in wool yarn to form a pad saddle. CH.

Other Notes

Elaborately beaded hour glass shaped pillow of hide with stuffing. The four corners have fully beaded flaps of leather that have been attached to the pad saddle. The middle has plain leather flaps attached to the girth. The center of the pad is stitched with leather to keep the stuffing in place. The edges are stitched in wool yarn over leather things. SFR, CW, CH.

Dimensions: 0 × 0 × 0 mm
Condition: Good over all condition given the age and historical use. Some insect damage noted and some bead work damaged. CH.
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Based on physical observation by CW and SFR.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 66-2224
GKS Reference Number: 27168
Approximate Place of Origin
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