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A rectangular hide bag with rounded opening with porcupine quill semi-circular or dome motifs and rows of wampum beads sewn to the base.

Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

GRASAC generated


light coloured deer skin; dyed porcupine quills; purple wampum beads; blue glass beads; remnants of silk ribbon; one metal cone with dyed animal hair; thread

Techniques or Format

Bag made of deer skin with quillwork edging at the sides and bottom. Silk ribbon binding and blue glass bead trim around the opening of the bag. 18 rows of 4-5 purple wampum beads, flanked by singular rows of blue glass beads, are sewn to the base of the bag. A single tin cone with dyed animal hair attached to beaded base. Front of the bag is ornamented with two quilled semi-circular or dome motifs applied in zigzag band and bordered in simple line technique. Quilled zig-zag or wavy lines are applied to the sides and base of both the front and back of the bag above the quill edged trim. The bottom of the back of the bag has quilled parallel lines applied in zigzag band technique.

Motifs and Patterns

Two semi-circular motifs; zig-zag or wavy lines

Dimensions: 47 × 14 × 0 cm
Condition: Silk ribbon damaged; beaded base of the bag likely had more tin cones.
Current Location: Denver Art Museum, CO, USA
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 1952.536
GKS Reference Number: 27117
Record Creation Context

Visit to Denver Art Museum of Alex Nahwegahbow and Ruth Phillips, assisted by Eric Berkemeyer and Kristin Strid on 22 Jan 2014.

Approximate Place of Origin
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