
A pair of Hodenosaunee moccasins from about 1830, attributed to the Seneca. Made of possibly tanned deer hide ornamented with quillwork in zig-zag band and single line stitch. Transferred to Museum Volkenkunde from the Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden (The Royal Cabinet of Curiosities) in The Hague when it closed in 1883.
Museum register indicates: "Fox" (Mesquakie); Museum database indicates: "Seneca". Style appears to be Seneca
Museum documentation, GRASAC generated
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tanned possibly deer(?) hide; porcupine quills, natural and dyed green, blue, yellow, red, and possibly orange(?); black silk ribbon; white beads; thread
The moccasins appear to have a single piece construction with seams up the centre of the vamp and heel. Three rows of zig-zag band quillwork cover the centre vamp seam, and are bordered by rows of single quill stitching. Black silk ribbon is used as binding on the cuff and the edges are decorated with white beads. It appears that a pattern of line designs done in the single quill stitching technique once ornamented the cuffs, as well as single rows of zig-zag band quillwork.
The single quill stitching done along each of the cuffs appears to have been done in a pattern: three lines branching out, one line pointing up, three lines branching out.
Museum documentation
Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden (The Royal Cabinet of Curiosities) in The Hague was established by King Willem I in 1816. When it was dissolved in 1883, the ethnographic collections were transferred to Museum Volkenkunde (The National Museum of Ethnology) in Leiden.
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Museum documentation