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Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Date Made or Date Range: 1865

deer antler, steel

Techniques or Format

Awl with steel point (sewing needle ?) and deer antler handle: tubular handle with short collar at proximal end.

Motifs and Patterns

Carved otter figure standing along the length of the handle; engraved, slashed body markings on the otter and incised "X's" on the handle.

Additional Context

DJ and CW: Not an otter; rather, martin, weasel or mink. Cross-hatching on back may be reference to x-ray skeleton motif.

Dimensions: 4.375 × 0.375 × 0.75 in
Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 81.31
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1981
Who the Institution Acquired the Relative or Heritage Item From: Richard A. Pohrt
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: July 1968
Collection Narratives and Histories

Formerly in the collection of: Mrs. Frank Francis, Cross Village, Michigan, 1968.

GKS Reference Number: 26794
Approximate Place of Origin
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