box, quill

box, quill

box, quill

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Large oval quill box made by Maime Migwans of M'Chigeeng First Nation. Featuring an image adapted from the Agawa petroglyphs, at artist Carl Beam's suggestion: a canoe with a horned shaman and six other figures on a white background, surrounded by a ring of thunderbird power. The body is a single undecorated piece of second-growth birchbark.

Name of Maker(s): Maime Migwans
Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Place of Origin: M'Chigeeng First Nation
Date Made or Date Range: July 27 1985

Birch bark, quills (undyed (white, brown), red, black), black thread, sweetgrass

Techniques or Format

The outer body of the box is a single piece of undecorated second-growth birchbark (a trademark of Maime's work, and another element influenced by her nephew, artist Carl Beam). The decorated lid inserts inside the body with a lip overhanging slightly. The lid's sweetgrass trim extends out to form this lip, and the ring of birchbark that forms the fitted insert is sewn to its underside. The interior of the body is lined with the customary layer of birchbark, with the floor stitched on with four knotted quills, and the sides tabbed and folded at the bottom and stitched into the sweetgrass at the top.

Motifs and Patterns

Seven figures (one horned) in a canoe on a white background, with a small red cross in the sky, surrounded by a black and white zig-zag.

Additional Context

One of the figures in the canoe is a shaman (indicated by the horns), who is using a ring of thunderbird power to protect the canoe from attacks by the underwater panther. This image is one that artist Carl Beam (Maime's nephew) adapted from the petroglyphs at Lake Superior, and encouraged her to use. The small red cross is a pre-contact four-directions symbol which Carl often inserted in his work.

Condition: Excellent
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Appraisal sheet

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: A1.01.033
GKS Reference Number: 26781
How to Cite this Item

Maime Migwans, box, quill. Currently at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, A1.01.033. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip; GRASAC item id 26781.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

Dummy GRASAC records of collections made by Lakota Preston, April 2010, items labelled and info updated by Juanita Migwans, summer 2010.

Photos and item spreadsheet created June 2011 by Adrianna Greci-Green (visiting to research quill boxes in the OCF collection), Crystal Migwans (OCF curatorial assistant) and Emanuela Rossi (visiting researcher), using information from Sophie Corbiere, Kate Roy, and 2003 appraisal sheets by P.Krueger.

Records edited and filled out by Crystal Migwans, June 2011.

Approximate Place of Origin
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