
"The husks were torn apart by means of a husking pin of hickory or other hardwood, though bone is sometimes used. A name used for this implement is enuiyakta' ga' wa' sta'(on)...The husking-pins employed at present have a groove around the middle, affording attachment to a leather loop, which is slipped over the middle finger. The pin is grasped in the palm, then struck, with a vigorous sweep, into the leafy covering, the thumb closed down tightly and the husks torn back in preparation for braiding."(40"
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Pin, for husking corn. Made from a single piece of hardwood, smoothly finished and highly polished. Circular in cross section with grain running lengthways. Shaft is cut straight at one end and tapers to a point at apposite end. Groove encircles shaft at mid-section. Leather loop (for insertion of finger) is attached around groove by inserting pin through two circular holes at one end of leather.;;
19120000, Six Nations Reserve, Ontario, Canada, (Waugh) "Husking-pin obtained from Frank Davis, Cayuga Chief.
Cranbrook Institute of Science 1912. Collected by M.G. Chandler, Six Nations Reserve, 1916-18. Illustrated in Speck, F.g. The Iroquois 1955, page 40.
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