pipe tomahawk
pipe tomahawk
pipe tomahawk

pipe tomahawk, shows signs of use,late 18th century.
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brass, hardwood;
cast brass hatchet with steel edge and decorative inlay on blade, blade is engraved and stamped; wood handle is carved in relief with vertically positioned wavy ridge ending in foliate elements, end is covered with silver or silver-coloured metal cap
On-site researchers: There are two pipe tomahawks with the same accession number. This one seems to be the correct 1892.477 because it fits the description most closely (NSM will verify). Seems to have been smoked, signs of use; Henrietta Lidchi: Looks like two different people have worked on it. smoking, shows signs of use.
late 18th century
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown artist, pipe tomahawk. Currently at National Museums Scotland, A.1892.477. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007 in which the author took part; GRASAC item id 26528.
9 Apr 2007 Ruth Phillips, On-site researchers: Cory Willmott, Heidi Bohaker, Laura Peers, Ruth Phillips, Keith Jamieson, Alan Corbiere, Henrietta Lidchi, Robert Storrie, Chantal Knowles, Brenda McGoff