wrapped corn bread

wrapped corn bread

wrapped corn bread

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Mrs. Peter John is Cayuga., (Waugh,

Date Made or Date Range: /1913


Other Notes

Portion of corn bread, wrapped inside a package made of corn leaves, which is then tied shut with strips of flexible basswood bark (according to John Moses, Acting Curator of Eastern Woodlands Ethnology, CMC, April 2006).;;

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses


Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: III-I-916 a
Collection Narratives and Histories

1913/06/ - 1913/07/, Six Nations Reserve, Tuscarora, Ontario, Canada, (Waugh collection list) "Two corn bread packages. Mrs. Peter John (Ca.). Specimens collected on the Six Nations Reserve, Brant County, June-July, 1913." (Sapir register) "Two corn bread packages, Iroquois, Tuscarora, Ont. from Mrs. Peter John."

Sources to Learn More

Illustrated on p. 223, Plate XXXIII b-c, of F.W. Waughs Iroquois Foods and Food Preparation, No. 12, Anthropological Series. Geological Survey, Ottawa, 1916. Plate caption: "Leaf-bread packages formerly used at Grand River reserve." Use explained on pp 85-87.

GKS Reference Number: 26432
Approximate Place of Origin
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